Quick Calm Bach Flower Remedy (30ml) | Flower Guide
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Quick Calm


Quick Calm is Flower Guide's version of the classic Bach Flower blend 'Rescue Remedy'. Rescue Remedy was originally formulated by Dr Edward Bach for use in situations requiring ‘emergency rescue’ and contains a combination of Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose & Star of Bethlehem. Our Quick Calm blend uses exactly the same essences as Rescue Remedy, and has the same effect and benefits.


It acts as a very swift emotional stabiliser in circumstances where there is much fear, panic, trauma or other severe upset such as a serious accident or unexpected bereavement. Quick Calm Bach Flower Remedy helps to relax, get focused and stay calm.


It is also a very effective support for those less traumatic but still challenging events in life like labour, exams, driving tests, visits to the dentist, presentations etc.

Quick Calm is not a substitute for medical attention, which should always be summoned in an emergency; rather it releases and dissolves the effects of shock, fear or trauma, thus enabling the body’s own self-healing process to take effect quicker.


This flower essence is made to order using all natural preservative (Organic Grape Brandy).


Once bottled, your essence is cleansed under a copper pyramid and charged with harmonising intentions of love and gratitude.


You'll receive

1 x 30ml bottle of Quick Calm Flower Essence in Treatment dilution


    Rescue Remedy Ingredients

    Pure Springwater, Natural Preservative (Organic Grape Brandy), Flower Essence (Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose & Star of Bethlehem).



    Take 4 drops under the tongue or added to a glass of filtered water 4 times daily.

    Continue use for up to 6 weeks, until your emotions feel balanced.





    What is Bach Rescue Remedy?

    Bach Rescue Remedy is the most well known of all Flower Essence Remedies and is used right around the world as a remedy for shock, fear, trauma and immediate stress. It was originally formulated by Dr Edward Bach for use in situations requiring ‘emergency rescue’ and contains a combination of Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose & Star of Bethlehem.


    Does Quick Calm remedy work?

    Yes, Quick Calm Remedy works just like Rescue Remedy, which is loved by many people around the world. It works to calm the mind, body and emotions in times of stress, trauma and emergency.


    What types of situations does Quick Calm help with?

    Quick Calm helps with all situations that Rescue Remedy helps with. Quick Calm provides calming relief during stressful or traumatic emergency situations. Quick Calm is a great product to include in first aid kits for the home and office, as it helps to calm and soothe acute stress and trauma.  It also helps those who are afraid of flying, as it is a safe and effective way to calm nervous tension and fear during travel without causing any jetlag. It helps with feelings of fear or panic relating to events such as exams, doctors visits and even childbirth. It's also handy to keep in the car, desk draw or handbag to assist with performance anxiety or panic.


    Does Quick Calm Bach Remedy work for stress?

    Yes, Quick Calm Flower Remedy is effective for relieving acute stress, by calming the nervous energy in the body, so that the mind and emotions can gain clarity. When the mind is stressed, it can create physical impacts on the body, so it's important to try to reduce stress naturally. Like Rescue Remedy, Quick Calm is a great natural stress reliever, as it uses all-natural energetic medicine from flowers, with no side effects, and is safe to use with all medications.


    Is Quick Calm Bach Remedy for anxiety?

    Yes, Quick Calm wotks just like Bach Rescue Remedy to balance the emotions and calm the mind, providing relief from anxiety, panic and nervous tension. It is 100% natural, non-addictive, safe to use with all medications, and has no side effects. Because Quick Calm works fast, it is a great product to keep in the car, handbag, desk drawer or briefcase, so that it can be dispensed quickly and easily at the onset of panic.


    Does Quick Calm help with sleep?

    Yes, Quick Calm can help those with sleep issues. Often, people with sleep issues become nervous and even panicked at bed time. If taken before bed, it can help to reduce stress, panic and fear, facilitating a more restful sleep. Quick Calm can also help adults and children who experience nightmares and night terrors. Simply take 4 drops under the tongue to replace feelings of fear and terror with more peaceful feelings of calm and balance.


    Does Quick Calm have side effects?
    No, Quick Calm Flower Remedy has no known side effects, and is safe to use for all ages. As a Flower Essence blend, it is not a drug or herbal supplement; rather, a water-based remedy that contains a small concentration of flower essence (or, the energetic imprint of the flower) as it's "active" ingredient. The essence contains no plant material, and is safe to use with all medications.


    How long does Quick Calm take to work?

    Quick Calm works quickly to calm and balance the mind and emotions. Dispensing Quick Calm is quick and easy, just 4 drops under the tongue, or added to a glass of water. The effects are subtle, and can usually be felt within  5-30 minutes.


    How much Quick Calm can you take?

    Four drops under the tongue, or added to a glass of water, up to six times daily.  Quick Calm is perfectly safe for all ages and has no risk of overdose. Please note that Quick Calm contains a small amount of grape brandy alcohol as a preservative, as per the traditional recipe. For those wishing to avoid alcohol, or for use with children, we recommend evaporating the alcohol from the dose before taking - just add 4 drops to a cup of hot water and drink once cooled. You can also drop the remedy onto the skin if you would prefer taking by mouth.


    How do you take Quick Calm?

    Four drops under the tongue, or added to a glass of water, as required. If it's difficult to swallow or open the mouth, Quick Calm can also be rubbed onto the wrists or dropped onto the lips.


    Is it safe to use Quick Calm for kids?

    Yes, it is safe to use Quick Calm Remedy for kids. Just like original Rescue Remedy, our Quick Calm remedy is made from all natural ingredients with no nasties. Please note that Quick Calm contains a small amount of grape brandy alcohol as a preservative, as per the traditional recipe. For those wishing to avoid alcohol, or for use with children, we recommend evaporating the alcohol from the dose before taking - just add 4 drops to a cup of hot water and drink once cooled. You can also drop the remedy onto the skin if you would prefer taking by mouth.


    Is Quick Calm good for menopause?

    Yes, like Rescue Remedy, Quick Calm is a good natural remedy for menopausal women. It is great for use during times when the heart rate is elevated, or when you're feeling out of control. Quick Calm helps to calm the mind, soothe the body and balance the emotions.

    Quick Calm Flower Remedy (30ml)

    SKU: 063
    • Pure Springwater, Natural Preservative (Organic Grape Brandy), Flower Essence (Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose & Star of Bethlehem). Once bottled, your essence is charged under a copper pyramid with the harmonising intentions of love and gratitude.

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