Bach Flower Remedies made to order ✿ Free shipping within Australia for orders over $99 ✿ Get 10% off your first order
What are Flower Essences?
Flower Essences, also known as Flower Remedies, are waters infused with the energetic imprint of flowers.
Practitioners of Flower Therapy believe that Flower Essences contain beneficial healing qualities for humans (as well as animals and plants), and use them as a healing tool to raise the energetic vibration of the client to facilitate healing. Flower Therapy was pioneered in the modern day by English physician Dr. Edward Bach, however, flower essences have been used by ancient cultures for many thousands of years, including here in Australia by our First Nation peoples.
In the 1920s, Dr Bach felt compelled to study the healing potential of flowers, after becoming disillusioned with the direction of modern medicine. He believed in healing the source of illness, rather than the symptom, and had observed that the source of illness and dis-ease in the body most often stemmed from emotional imbalance. Intuitively, he was drawn to flowers as a tool to balance the emotions and in turn, facilitate healing.
When we are emotionally imbalanced, we energetically resonate at a low vibration, which Dr. Bach believed was the ultimate cause for illness and dis-ease in the body. While studying flowers, he observed, energetically, that flowers naturally resonate at a very high vibration, and if he could bottle the vibration of flowers, he could create a healing remedy for the human bio-field. So, he set out to do this, and by 1939, had created a therapeutic system of 38 flower essences, to heal every emotional complaint. Almost a century on, Bach's most famous blend, Rescue Remedy, is in medicine cabinets all over the world.
Contemporary Flower Therapists have expanded the system of Flower Therapy, and commonly create their own Flower Essences, using flowers grown in their own gardens, picked from local wildflower fields and forests. At Flower Guide, we grow organic flowers on our small farm for this purpose, and make our own handcrafted Flower Essences according to Dr. Bach's original instructions.
Read on to learn more about Flower Essences and how they work.
What can Flower Essences help with?
Flower Essences use the unique energy of flowers to balance emotions and help raise the vibration in the human (and animal) biofield. They are completely safe to use, with no side effects or risk of overdose, and can be used by adults, children and pets.
They are a powerful tool for self care, personal development and self-healing.
Flower Essences can help with:
Emotional support during hard times
Transforming negative thought patterns
Building emotional strength and resilience
Facilitating healing from physical illness
Spiritual development
Raising your vibration
Manifestation and achieving your goals
Read on to learn more about the science of Flower Essences.
Is there evidence to support the use of Flower Essences?
As an energetic healing modality, Flower Therapy is not always looked upon favorably by contemporary Western Medicine. While clinical research into Flower Therapy is limited, recent scientific studies show that Flower Essences may help to reduce anxiety and relieve pain (
Flower Essences may help to relieve anxiety
A study from 2020 found that Flower Essences helped to reduce anxiety for children visiting the dentist (
A study from 2012 showed that adults experiencing moderate anxiety benefited from Flower Therapy (
A 2017 case study found that a woman experiencing menopause experienced reduce anxiety after taking a Bach Flower Remedy (
Flower essences may help to relieve pain
A 2017 study found that people with carpal tunnel syndrome experienced relief from mild and moderate pain after using a topical Bach Flower Remedy cream. The study proposed that Flower Essences reduce the severity of pain (
According to a 2008 study, Flower Therapy helped participants to focus less on their physical pain, and more on their emotional health, The majority of participants in the study experienced positive emotional changes after taking Bach Flower Remedies (
As Healthline notes in their Flower Essences overview, if Flower Essences are able to reduce anxiety, they inherently have the potential to relieve pain, since anxiety is a factor in the perception of pain (
For more information on Flower Therapy and subtle energy therapies, we recommend the book "Vibrational Medicine" by Richard Gerber M.D.
How are Flower Essences made?
Flower Essences are made by infusing spring water with flowers under direct sunlight.
A crystal bowl is filled with pure spring water (we use Beloka spring water) and a layer of fresh flowers is gently picked and placed into the water. The bowl is placed in a sunny spot, where the energy of the sun's life-giving rays charges the water with the flower's energy.
As water holds energy, it becomes imprinted with the energetic frequency of the flower, creating an energetic essence that can be diluted, bottled and preserved for treatment use.
Our Ingredients
At Flower Guide, we take pride in using the finest all natural, chemical-free ingredients in our products.
Naturally Pure Flower Essence
We use a selection of sourced and handcrafted flower essences, using organic and chemical free plant material. All flower essences are prepared according to Dr. Bach's original instruction. Our flowers are grown free of chemicals and tended to with love and kindness.
Pure Beloka Spring Water
We use Australia's most pure spring water, Beloka Still Springwater in our stock and treatment bottles. We choose Beloka because it is bottled at it's source in the Australian Alps and is packaged in recycled glass bottles, ensuring that we can avoid exposure to plastics.
Organic Grape Brandy
We use only the most natural organic preservatives from local Australian producers in our Flower Essence products to ensure their shelf life.
Pyramid Power
All products are placed under a copper pyramid before shipment, to be cleansed and charged with high vibration. As we understand that water holds intention, we make sure we bless each bottle with the pure intention of love and gratitude.